GTA and safe abortion
A toolkit by Rutgers and the Reproductive Health Network Kenya that trains health care providers to provide more accessible safe abortion care, free of stigma and prejudice.
A toolkit by Rutgers and the Reproductive Health Network Kenya that trains health care providers to provide more accessible safe abortion care, free of stigma and prejudice.
This module targets organisations that are willing to reflect on how they can internally create or improve the culture, values and actions that they want to see in the world.
The Gender Transformative Approach and Advocacy module is developed for SRHR advocates, who want to strengthen their advocacy work in the area of gender and power relations.
This module aims to generate increased awareness and critical thinking on gender and power imbalances.
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is five times more likely to be successful when it pays explicit attention to the topics of gender and power.
The first module of the toolkit can be implemented in existing and future SRHR and GBV prevention programmes.
Research into improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Kenya by training healthcare providers in gender transformative approaches.
Gender Transformative Approach quick scan to learn what gender-transformative programming means, and to find out how gender-transformative your programmes already are.
A gender transformative approach (GTA) engages teachers in critically examining these norms and strengthens their Comprehensive Sexuality Education teaching.
Pour l’inclusion d’une approche transformatrice du genre dans le plaidoyer en faveur de la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs.
L’approche transformatrice du genre & les services adaptés aux jeunes
Cette boite à outils sert de source et de guide pour soutenir l’intégration d’une approche transformatrice du genre (ATG)
Le module L’Approche transformatrice du genre au niveau des organisations et institutions
L’approche transformatrice du genre & de l’éducation complète à la sexualité (ECS)
Review of literature and scientific debates on sexual agency. The article includes recommendations on how SRHR programmes could strengthen the sexual agency of young people.
This Rutgers GTA & YFS framework visualizes how building the capacity of healthcare providers in Gender Transformative Approach affects the SRHR of young people.
This Rutgers GTA & CSE capacity building model visualizes the ingluence of GTA Capacity Building on Teachers.
Rutgers' innovative and comprehensive toolkit for implementing a gender transformative approach. The toolkit can be implemented in SRHR and GBV prevention programmes.
Research on enhancing sexuality education in Zambia through a gender transformative approach.
This whitepaper provides an overview of national and international knowledge, research and
interventions regarding gender transformative approaches (GTA).
This guide provides information on the theoretical background of Gender Transformative Approach
We aim to contribute to gender-just and violence-free societies with the toolkit.
Power To You(th) meaningfully includes adolescent girls and young women in decision-making processes regarding harmful practices, SGBV & teenage pregnancy.
With a special focus on illiterate participants the manual enables you to discuss prevention of child marriage and other relevant SRHR issues.
A global study by Rutgers that looked at the detrimental effect of the pandemic on young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights and worsens existing inequalities.
The knowledge file on Sexual and Gender Diversity in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights presents the actual state of affairs on this theme.
Practical guide on how to develop an impactful advocacy strategy for SRHR.
Hello, I am used television and radio programmes, community screenings and more to educate, question and reshape norms around child marriage and the role of girls in society.
Hello, I am used the positive deviance approach (PDA) to encourage social and behaviour change. Read more about these activities, impact, lessons learnt and recommendations.
Hello I Am actively involved young people and their family members in intergenerational communication by hosting youth groups, parent groups, and three-generation dialogues.
The Hello, I Am programme reached nearly 80,000 people through community-based activities and more than 7million people through media efforts. Read more about activities here.
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