Integrity at Rutgers
At Rutgers, we value ethical and ethical behaviour within our organisation. We believe that a culture of integrity is of great importance for the success of our mission: to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights worldwide. In 2022, we have drawn up an integrity framework for people who work for and with us to achieve this. This framework supports them to work in an ethical and responsible manner. The framework includes our core values, Code of Conduct, procedures, and guidelines that ensure that we work in a transparent, reliable and professional way.

Rutgers’ core values are central to organisation’s work. They form the starting point for all Rutgers’ activities. In our behaviour, we want to reflect these values, especially the overarching value ‘just’. This means that we do justice to the people and organisations for whom and with whom we work.
Code of conduct
We expect people who work for and with us to share our values. These values are therefore the basis of our Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is part of the integrity framework and is developed to prevent undesirable behaviour. The Code of Conduct is intended for everyone who works for or with Rutgers and must be signed by employees and partner organisations.
Reporting system
Rutgers uses a system for all types of reports. We handle the reports we receive carefully. A report can concern one of the following areas:
- Interpersonal violations
- Financial violations
- Abuse of power
In our reporting scheme and reporting procedure, we further explain where and how you can safely report (possible) integrity violations and what steps we take as an organisation when we receive a report.
Make a report
Do you have a (possible) suspicion of wrongdoing? Please report this to us so that we can take action and learn from it. Making a report is courageous. If you experience or see undesirable behaviour, it can have a considerable impact. We want you to be able to report this easily and safely. This can be done via one of our reporting channels:
- Management
- Rutgers integrity officer
- The (anonymous) reporting service
The anonymous hotline is provided by our independent partner WhistleB, to ensure anonymity.
External confidential advisor
Do you need help or are you unsure about making a report? For support and advice, you can contact our independent confidential advisor.
Paola Crone
Zero-tolerance for inaction
Rutgers has a zero-tolerance to inaction policy. This means that we do not ignore any form of misconduct, abuse, fraud, or corruption and follow up on all reports carefully.
Integrity documents
Rutgers has one integrity policy, one code of conduct, one preventive approach, one reporting procedure for abuse of power, financial violations and interpersonal violations. The integrity policy is maintained by an integrity committee, consisting of employees who contribute different perspectives and expertise on integrity.
Read our:
- Code of conduct
- Regulations and reporting procedure
- Our Child (Adolescent and Vulnerable Adult) Protection Policy
- Privacy regulations
Integrity is always evolving. The integrity documents are therefore regularly reviewed and adjusted where necessary.
Do you have any questions about our integrity framework or accompanying documents? Contact our integrity officer via
Rutgers is Partos 9001:2015 version 2018 certified and is checked annually on the implementation of the integrity policy.
As a member of Partos Rutgers signed the Partos Code of Conduct. Besides, we also adopted the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (ALLEA).