
Alliance building

Working with like-minded organisations strengthens everything we do – advocacy, programming and research. Rutgers forms alliances in the Netherlands, Europe and beyond to pursue our goals. In other countries we work with local organisations to deliver programmes in partnerships. And we join or form international networks to promote our global advocacy. These are some examples of our alliances.

Mutually beneficial partnerships with like-minded organisations strengthens everything we do. Rutgers forms alliances in the Netherlands and globally. In other countries, we partner with local organisations to deliver programmes. We join or form international networks for global advocacy.

Shared vision, openness and trust

Rutgers connects civil society organisations to form alliances and partnerships for sustainability.

Mutually beneficial partnerships work when there is equity and an open culture of sharing, shared vision and trust. When organisations of different capacities join hands and work together well, their overall effectiveness is enhanced.

Building alliances is not always easy. Not everyone has an equal voice at the table and this can create power imbalances and reduce effectiveness. Time is needed to address these issues.

Key alliances for Rutgers

Countdown 2030 Europe

Rutgers is one of ten core partners in Countdown 2030 Europe, a consortium of European NGOs working on SRHR.

In Europe and with EU Institutions, the consortium holds donors accountable for policy and funding commitments to achieve universal access to reproductive health and family planning.

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