
CSE costing tool

Tags: Advocacy, calculation, comprehensive sexuality education, CSE costing tool, impact, programme

Thank you for your interest in the CSE Costing tool.

The CSE Costing tool consists of the following files:

  1. The CSE Costing Tool 1.0 with training data– XLSM file
  2. The Microsoft Publisher File for the Policy Brief
  3. The user manual
Download the CSE costing tool files (ZIP archive)

Video instruction

There is detailed video instruction available from the developer (40 mins), Training Video: Costing Tool for Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs – YouTube

Reach out

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ardan Kockelkoren – – if you have any questions or if you are interested to have an exploratory conversation about the application of the tool to your programme.

We would love to hear from you and improve the tool for it to better align with your needs.

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