
Anna Page

Senior research advisor

Anna is a planning, monitoring, evaluation, learning and research specialist with a particular interest in meaningful youth participation in research. She has supported youth engagement in research in Indonesia and Kenya.

In her current role, Anna coordinates the planning, monitoring, evaluation, learning and research for the Right Here Right Now partnership, advocating for youth sexual and reproductive health and rights in ten countries in Asia and Africa

At Rutgers, her work has also included leading a participatory, qualitative study exploring young people’s experiences of sexual and reproductive health in Indonesia and coordinating research in Senegal and Uganda to inform values-based campaigns.

Anna has held research and advocacy roles at various NGOs focused on social exclusion, homelessness, mental health, and criminal justice. Her roles involved engaging people with lived experiences of these issues in a range of research and advocacy work. Gender and intersectional inequalities were key themes throughout this work which continue to be relevant for her work at Rutgers.



Kågesten, A.E., Pinandari, A.W., Page, A., Wilopo, S. A., & van Reeuwijk, M. (2021). Sexual wellbeing in early adolescence: a cross-sectional assessment among girls and boys in urban IndonesiaReproductive Health 18, 153.

Evelia, H., Ndayala, P., Page, A., Wafula, C., Westeneng, J., Kuya, J., & Cheshire, F. (2021). Aspirations versus Reality: Exploring Factors Affecting Meaningful Youth Participation in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Programme in Rural KenyaEast African Journal of Health and Science3(1), 31-44.

Page, A., Cense, M., Van Reeuwijk, M. (2021) Working with young peer researchers in sexuality studies: Benefits, Challenges and Lessons Learnt. Under peer review at Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters


Termeulen, R., Prastowo, F., Page, A., Van Reeuwijk, M. (2020) Navigating complex, conflicting norms: Young Indonesians’ experiences of gender and sexuality. Youth Voices Research Phase One Report. Rutgers WPF, Jakarta.

Pinandari, A., Page, A., Oktaviatie, I., Herawati, E., Prastowo, F., Wilopo, S., Van Reeuwijk, M. (2020) Early Adolescents’ Voices in Indonesia: A qualitative exploration of results from the Global Early Adolescent Study 2020. Youth Voices Research Phase Two Report. Rutgers WPF, Jakarta.


Page, A. (2016) Navigating liminal spaces: An examination of the impacts of youth group participation on young people’s social exclusion in rural Western Kenya, MSc Thesis, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.


Page, A. (2014) Lost children, lost childhoods, Fabiana, Issue 9, pp12-13.

Dumoulin, D., Jones, K., Page, A, Kinnersly, M., Hallam E. & Crawford A., (2014) Reading Counts: Why English and maths skills matter in tackling homelessness. St Mungo’s Broadway & The Work Foundation, London.


Hutchinson, S; Page, A., and Sample, E. (2013) Rebuilding Shattered Lives: Getting the right help at the right time to women who are homeless or at risk. St Mungo’s, London.


Page, A. and Rice, B. (2011) Counting the Cost: The financial impact of supporting women with multiple needs in the criminal justice system. Revolving Doors Agency: London.

Page, A. (2011), “Turning the Tide: A Vision Paper for multiple needs and exclusions“, Advances in Dual Diagnosis, 4 (4), 173-179.



Anna Page

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