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Covid-19: Our response

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20 March 2020
Rutgers continues to follow the latest developments around Covid-19 with great concern. Aside from worries about our families, friends and fellow citizens, the current situation is also troubling for our work on improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world. Our heart goes out, especially, to those already vulnerable and disproportionately hit by this crisis.

We realise and understand that activities are and will be cancelled or postponed. The reality of the current situation is that many countries are facing restrictions, and these could still increase in the coming weeks. The situation currently is too unclear to know what the effect will be on the implementation of our work

At the moment, we are focusing our efforts on three key aspects:

  • Staying safe and following all health advice
  • Monitoring developments in all countries we work in
  • Exploring new, creative ways of working

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of All

We continue to support our partners and to improve the lives of the people we work with and for. This is important, as this crisis uncovers and increases inequalities, and marginalised people are more likely to be affected. Sexual and reproductive health and rights are at stake. Now more than ever, we continue to fight for and support the SRHR of all.

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