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This week, former Dutch ministers, former politicians and chairmen of political youth organisations shared an essential call to the new cabinet in the Dutch news paper Algemeen Dagblad: keep investing in reproductive and sexual health, worldwide.
“Being able to make free and healthy choices about your own body and desire to have children is life-defining. It determines whether girls can finish school, or get expelled for being pregnant. It determines whether women can build their self-chosen families, or whether they are married off young. It determines whether women survive childbirth, or whether they die unnecessarily in childbirth like 800 women a day.”
“We call on the new cabinet to invest in sexual health globally, with the hope for a healthy, safe, and free world for all. We envision a future where the Netherlands demonstrates courage by investing in sexual health and proudly maintains its leadership position. This commitment is crucial for the well-being of girls and women in the Netherlands and around the world.”
Rutgers warmly supports the call of Pia Dijkstra (D66), Martin van Rijn (PvdA), Jozias van Aartsen (VVD), Liliane Ploumen ( PVDA), Mirjam de Blécourt (VVD), Jan Keunen (VVD), Corinne Ellemeet (GroenLinks), Lisa van Ginniken (D66), Mauk Bresser (chair JOVD), Kevin Klinkspoor (chair CDJA) and Floris van der Valk (chair Young Democrats), Minne van der Mast (chair Dwars), Jasmijn Hofman (chair Young Socialists).
Read the article from the NL Times here: Former politicians call on new Cabinet to continue investing in sexual health | NL Times
Read our latest articles, studies and columns on sexual health and rights.
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