
Asking the Right Questions. Existing evidence and the research agenda for youth peer education in SRH programming

Peer education is an umbrella term used to refer to a multitude of interventions, some of which are standalone and others which are integrated into wider programming, including for sexual and reproductive health (SRH). It is not a new intervention but, rather, has been utilised for decades as a way of reaching under-served groups, including young people, with information on their health and rights.

The absence of clear guidance from the peer reviewed literature stands in contrast to the overwhelming consensus amongst young people, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and funders that believe wholeheartedly in the merits of the approach and continue to integrate it into rights-based SRH programming for young people across the world.

This study, funded by the Get Up, Speak Out for Youth Rights! (GUSO) programme, attempts to balance out the current narrative by centering the voices of those who have first-hand experience designing, managing and implementing peer education – including peer educators themselves. Tapping into the expertise of those who have lived experiences, this study examines the parameters of peer education; models of integration in SRH programming; the expected and achieved outcomes of peer education; the quality of design of peer education programmatic components, including training, support and compensation; and the research needs of organisations and activists across the globe. In addition, the study draws out the research and evaluation needs that still exist within the SRH sector.

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