Untold stories from Cameroon

A parent’s perspective on unsafe abortion

Unsafe abortions account for 25% of maternal deaths in Cameroon. But that isn’t just a statistic—it represents real people, each with their own perspectives and complexities.

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Tags: Cameroon, family planning, Safe abortion, She makes her safe choice, SRHR

Cameroon’s abortion laws are extremely restrictive, allowing the procedure only when a woman’s life is in danger, to protect her physical or mental health, or in cases of rape or incest. Because of these limitations, unsafe abortions are widespread, contributing significantly to preventable maternal deaths. In fact, unsafe abortions account for 25% of maternal deaths in Cameroon. 

But that 25% isn’t just a statistic—it represents countless stories of real people, each with their own perspectives and complexities. We’ve taken some of these complexities and turned them into personal stories. 

This is the story of a mother whose daughter is a survivor of unsafe abortion.

AAE 360 stories, parents of victims of unsafe abortion
AAE 360 stories, parents of victims of unsafe abortionAAE 360 stories, parents of victims of unsafe abortion
When I realised my daughter had had an unsafe abortion, I was shocked, outraged. I then realised that parental dialogue about abortion is very important.
AAE 360 stories, parents of victims of unsafe abortion
AAE 360 stories, parents of victims of unsafe abortionAAE 360 stories, parents of victims of unsafe abortion
I would advise parents who are against abortion to be open-minded, listen, dialogue and educate their children without stigmatising, judging or rejecting them.
360 story on Safe Abortion in Cameroon
360 on safe abortion

In this series, there are stories from survivors of unsafe abortions, parents of survivors like them, an activist, a midwife, a journalist and a political leader. All untold stories from Cameroon can be watched on our YouTube.



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