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Video – Dialogues with adolescents and young people on sexuality and health in Cote d’Ivoire

Ado Avance Ensemble engages adolescents and young people to talk about sexuality and health by training teachers and peer educators.

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Tags: Ado Avance Ensemble, comprehensive sexuality education, Francophone West Africa

Ado Avance Ensemble engages adolescents and young people to talk about sexuality and health. How? For example, by training teachers and peer educators on sexual and reproductive health and rights, reaching adolescents and youth with age-appropriate information. In the video below, you can see how adolescents discuss and learn about sexuality, inside and outside the classroom.

Engaging adolescents - Dialogues on sexuality and health in Cote d'Ivoire

Main takeaway

Amadou Kone, who was one of the educators trained shares his main take-away from that training:

“We talked about how to assist adolescents, free from any judgement. We learned to support them in case they are in difficulty. And we learned how to help adolescents develop [the above mentioned] healthy sexual behaviours.”



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