
Reducing unsafe abortions: innovations and results from the ‘She Makes Her Safe Choice’ partnership

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30 November 2021, 15:00 hour Tags: Ethiopia, Francophone West Africa, Kenya, Safe abortion, Sexual reproductive health and rights

Rutgers and DKT International invite you to an online event that will highlight results and innovations from the ‘She Makes Her Safe Choice’ partnership to reduce unsafe abortions worldwide.

We will discuss how our complementary approach has significantly contributed to reducing unsafe abortions. We will focus on:

  • How the Ipas MVA® safe abortion technology is reducing maternal mortality.
  • Why medical abortion is a game-changer to empower women to make their safe choice.
  • Why combining online and offline solutions are essential to engage (young) women and respond to their needs.
  • How unlikely partnerships in Kenya made the approach a success.

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