
Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation in SRHR advocacy platforms

This operational research project is part of Right Here Right Now’s learning agenda which was developed with the objective to learn and reflect on the programme’s Theory of Change during implementation and to use lessons learned beyond the RHRN partnership. The study sought to answer the following research question:

How has the implementation of the programme’s principles of meaningful and inclusive youth participation by RHRN platforms in Nepal and Honduras influenced power dynamics between youth and adults and their organizations, and the platforms’ advocacy work?

This question was split into the following sub-questions:

  • How has the concept of Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation and Youth-Adult Partnership been implemented by the platforms?
  • How have power dynamics between young people and adults in the platform evolved?
  • How has the implementation of Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation by the platforms influenced advocacy agendas and strategies?

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