Résumé – Décoder la violence basée sur le genre facilitée par la technologie : une réalité dans sept pays
La résumé présente les principales conclusions et recommandations.
La résumé présente les principales conclusions et recommandations.
Multi-country study into the nature and impact of digital violence in Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda.
The executive summary shows the main findings and recommendations.
Executive summary of the ICPD+30 report: The Heart of the Matter: Embrace the reality of young people's sexual and reproductive health and rights
This #ICPD30 report gives a comprehensive insight into the reality of young people’s SRHR and how well governments are implementing their commitments.
The Generation G Theory of Change shows the impact we envision to achieve with the programme, and our strategies and pathways to reach this impact.
A toolkit by Rutgers and the Reproductive Health Network Kenya that trains health care providers to provide more accessible safe abortion care, free of stigma and prejudice.
This module targets organisations that are willing to reflect on how they can internally create or improve the culture, values and actions that they want to see in the world.
A gender-transformative approach examines, questions and transforms inequitable gender norms and power dynamics into positive values.
Research into improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Kenya by training healthcare providers in gender transformative approaches.
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