Increasing youth participation in SRHR programming
Rutgers developed a toolkit supporting organisations to take a more inclusive approach to meaningful youth participation.
Rutgers developed a toolkit supporting organisations to take a more inclusive approach to meaningful youth participation.
La résumé présente les principales conclusions et recommandations.
Multi-country study into the nature and impact of digital violence in Indonesia, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda.
The executive summary shows the main findings and recommendations.
This report presents the findings of the evaluation of Setara, a 2-year intervention onreproductive health and sexuality development for adolescent (12-14 years) in Indonesia
Executive summary of the ICPD+30 report: The Heart of the Matter: Embrace the reality of young people's sexual and reproductive health and rights
The free, easy-to-use tool can be used to make CSE programmes more cost-effective so that organisations can do more with existing funds.
This #ICPD30 report gives a comprehensive insight into the reality of young people’s SRHR and how well governments are implementing their commitments.
This position paper, written by SRHR Expert Sanne Thijssen, provides an overview of the current status of affairs of young people’s SRHR.
This shadow report dives into the progress and remaining gaps,in the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action.
We all benefit - an introduction to the whole school approach for sexuality education.
Building a Critical Mass to Support Advocacy Priorities
A toolkit for young people on how to run youth consultations. Youth consultations are a good way to gain insight in young peoples needs and ideas, to, for example, give input
A youth-friendly online toolkit guide offers advice, hints, and tips on how you can strengthen youth-adult partnerships by involving young people from the start.
Practical guide on how to how to support the process of collecting digital stories as a tool for advocacy strategies.
Conceptual Framework of the Dance4Life Empowerment Model
Exploring the potential of adapting the Dance4Life empowerment
model to the digital environment
Exploring young people's perspectives on empowerment, relationships and sexual choices
This toolkit supports SRHR activists and advocates to recognise opposition tactics in international spaces and how to deal with them effectively.
This toolkit, designed by and for young people and their allies, is a practical, adaptable guide to a proven change-making approach called youth-led social accountability.
This factsheet gives an overview of the facts and figures on comprehensive sexuality education in the Netherlands.
Review of review the digital CSE landscape and case studies on the digitalisation
of CSE programmes implemented with partners in four countries.
Data from over 3,000 students from 18 public schools in Indonesia shows that comprehensive sexuality education can improve healthy sexuality competencies in early adolescence.
Sexuality eduction in the Netherlands means clear, direct, attractively-designed and inclusive sexuality education in language young people can understand.
This guide is designed to facilitate a discussion around opposition during a workshop or meeting.
This toolkit supports advocacy to localise and fully implement the outcomes of United Nations’ international human rights monitoring and development review mechanims.
Quality of delivery, dose, acceptability and support for CSE were identified as influential factors in results following the impact evaluation of SETARA in Indonesia.
A study assessing how young people’s voice and choice concerning sex and relationships changed over the implementation of the Get Up Speak Out! programme.
Exploring young people's perspectives on empowerment, relationships and sexual choices.
This article illustrates the efforts made by Dance4Life and its franchisees, to quickly adapt and digitalise the Journey4Life sexuality education curriculum to COVID-19.
The Dance4Life Empowerment Model enables young people to develop personal leadership and become confident individuals with increased agency around their sexual health.
The Parents' Meeting Facilitation Manual supports parents to communicate with their children about reproductive health, relationships, and marriage.
This study estimates the cost of implementing the SETARA adolescent CSE programme in Indonesia.
Interested to dive deeper into Prevention+ results? Or would you like to read the valuable lessons we are taking forward? Take a look at our programme evaluation.
La participation significative et inclusive des jeunes au plaidoyer en matière de SDSR.
Participation significative et inclusive des jeunes : vers une plus grande inclusivité
Technical brief to promote meaningful and inclusive youth participation and youth-adult partnership.
The Generation G Theory of Change shows the impact we envision to achieve with the programme, and our strategies and pathways to reach this impact.
A toolkit by Rutgers and the Reproductive Health Network Kenya that trains health care providers to provide more accessible safe abortion care, free of stigma and prejudice.
Note de synthèse: Expériences de l’avortement au Bénin
Résultats d’une recherche qualitative.
Qualitative research findings from an ethnographic study looking into the remaining knowledge gaps around the drivers of unsafe abortion in Kenya.
In this video people are asked when and where they first heard about sexuality, as part of the Hello Check television series.
This module targets organisations that are willing to reflect on how they can internally create or improve the culture, values and actions that they want to see in the world.
Endline evaluation of the Get Up Speak Out programme.
The Gender Transformative Approach and Advocacy module is developed for SRHR advocates, who want to strengthen their advocacy work in the area of gender and power relations.
This module aims to generate increased awareness and critical thinking on gender and power imbalances.
Power To You(th)! Because change starts with you. Change starts with youth!
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is five times more likely to be successful when it pays explicit attention to the topics of gender and power.
The first module of the toolkit can be implemented in existing and future SRHR and GBV prevention programmes.
A gender-transformative approach examines, questions and transforms inequitable gender norms and power dynamics into positive values.
Building the capacity of healthcare providers in the Gender Transformative Approach to improve the SRHR of young people in Kenya
Research into improving the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Kenya by training healthcare providers in gender transformative approaches.
Gender Transformative Approach quick scan to learn what gender-transformative programming means, and to find out how gender-transformative your programmes already are.
A gender transformative approach (GTA) engages teachers in critically examining these norms and strengthens their comprehensive sexuality education teaching.
Pour l’inclusion d’une approche transformatrice du genre dans le plaidoyer en faveur de la santé et les droits sexuels et reproductifs.
L’approche transformatrice du genre & les services adaptés aux jeunes
Cette boite à outils sert de source et de guide pour soutenir l’intégration d’une approche transformatrice du genre (ATG)
Find out how our partnership works and what impact we've had so far.
Le module L’Approche transformatrice du genre au niveau des organisations et institutions
L’approche transformatrice du genre & de l’éducation complète à la sexualité (ECS)
Review of literature and scientific debates on sexual agency. The article includes recommendations on how SRHR programmes could strengthen the sexual agency of young people.
This Rutgers GTA & YFS framework visualizes how building the capacity of healthcare providers in Gender Transformative Approach affects the SRHR of young people.
This Rutgers GTA & CSE capacity building model visualizes the ingluence of GTA Capacity Building on Teachers.
Rutgers' innovative and comprehensive toolkit for implementing a gender transformative approach. The toolkit can be implemented in SRHR and GBV prevention programmes.
Theory of Change of the second iteration of the Right Here Right Now strategic partnership
Research on meaningful and inclusive youth participation in Right Here Right Now
Report on the achievements of the first five years of Right Here Right Now
Research on enhancing sexuality education in Zambia through a gender transformative approach.
This whitepaper provides an overview of national and international knowledge, research and
interventions regarding gender transformative approaches (GTA).
This guide provides information on the theoretical background of Gender Transformative Approach
Research on youth-led social accountability interventions
Operational research to assess the effects of piloting Community Scorecard activities
Get Up Speak Out research on peer educations
Magazine looking back at 5 years of Get Up Speak Out
We aim to contribute to gender-just and violence-free societies with the toolkit.
Executive summary of the Right Here Right Now Consolidated baseline report.
Consolidated baseline report of the Right Here Right Now partnership
Short animation video on gender-based violence.
Power To You(th) meaningfully includes adolescent girls and young women in decision-making processes regarding harmful practices, SGBV & teenage pregnancy.
With a special focus on illiterate participants the manual enables you to discuss prevention of child marriage and other relevant SRHR issues.
Toolkit on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
Ruskhana Kapali, a transgender woman, explains the impact is of COVID-19 on the LGBTQI+ community in Nepal.
A case study on the advocacy for the provision of youth-friendly services in health centres.
This brochure describes the sexual development of children aged 0 to 18 years. It also contains examples of how you can help your child with this.
A literature review on young people's perspectives on sexual wellbeing and consent.
Cet outil de planification vise à accompagner les pays partenaires et toute personne
impliquée dans de planification des programmes pays.
The report presents key steps needed to scale-up sexuality education to reach large groups of young people in a sustainable way.
Youth participation is a fundamental right, recognised in art. 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This planning tool supports annual programme planning cycles.
A global study by Rutgers that looked at the detrimental effect of the pandemic on young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights and worsens existing inequalities.
See how young advocates fight for their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
All the facts on photovoice as a creative and effective tool for monitoring, participatory research, data collection and capacity strengthening.
This guide helps you to prepare, organise and facilitate a photovoice training in low, middle, and high-income countries
The handbook provides detailed information on topics discussed during the training, and can be used for looking up further information and instructions.
The Essential Packages Manual is a comprehensive guide for successful sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes for young people.
Video on how young people in Ethiopia used lino cuts to explain how comprehensive sexuality education had changed their lives.
For training young people as researchers.
Training manual on how to involve young people in monitoring and evaluation and research.
PEER review manual part of the Explore toolkit to involve young people as researchers in sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes.
'Explore' is a Toolkit for involving young people as researchers in sexual and reproductive health and rights programmes.
The Essential Packages Manual is a comprehensive guide for successful sexual reproductive health and rights programmes for young people.
Read about the goals, approach and expected results of the programme in our corporate Yes I Do brochure.
The Yes I Do programme contributed to a more gender equal society and better prospects for young girls and boys.
This is how we plan to effect positive changes in young people's SRHR and advance meaningful youth participation.
See how young advocates fight for their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
The knowledge file on Sexual and Gender Diversity in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights presents the actual state of affairs on this theme.
The knowledge file on presents the actual state of affairs on this theme. It includes the actual knowledge, the Rutgers vision statement and the important stakeholders.
In this paper we aim to examine population dynamics, its consequences and drivers and specifically
the link to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)
Read the knowlegde file here.
Rutgers believes that having access to safe and modern contraceptives is the cornerstone of
women’s and girls’ rights and their sexual and reproductive health.
The Safe Choice partners explain what can be done and call on the Kenyan government to also prioritise women's health during the pandemic.
In this white paper we give an overview of the current state of sexuality education with a focus on Europe and developing countries
The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) is the largest multi-country study of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa.
Interested to learn more about Prevention+? Take a look inside the programme in this brochure, explaining our core values and how we tackle the root causes of GBV.
A booklet of personal stories about abortion, collected and compiled by youth action movement Rwanda.
Report on how Rutgers was able to support tens of thousands of young people in Vietnam to improve their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
What is the status of the sexual health of adults in the Netherlands? Read the findings of our research.
Study into the sexual health of young people from 12 to 25 years in the Netherlands, in collaboration with Dutch Municipal Health Centres.
Study into the sexual health of children with special needs in secondary education in the Netherlands.
How to engage men as equitable partners in maternal, new born and child health, SRHR, caregiving, and violence prevention.
A detailed overview of how Rutgers engaged with men and boys in gender equality, violence prevention and in SRHR and MNCH.
How to facilitate workshops to understand opposition in a context-specific manner and limit the influence of opposition on reaching SRHR-related goals.
How to advocate for young people’s strategic engagement in monitoring the 2030 Agenda.
Practical guide on how to develop an impactful advocacy strategy for SRHR.
Video shows how Rutgers educates and works with young people in the Netherlands to have safe and pleasant sex, only when they are ready for it.
Exploration on how social developments and the work of organisations such as Rutgers resulted in the Dutch liberal stance towards sexuality.
In November 2019, Rutgers WPF Indonesia co-organised the first International Conference on Indonesia Family Planning and Reproductive Health
What is the Global Early Adolescent Study and how does Explore for action in Indonesia fit into it? Watch this video to find out.
What is youth voices research? Young people explain their take on meaningful youth participation in research.
This white paper presents a Theory of Change for the in-school CSE programme Setara for 12 to 15 year old adolescents in Indonesia.
White paper on the multi component systems approach.
Video explaining how sexual health and COVID-19 are related
Operational research report that shows how social accountability initiatives in Malawi contribute to the empowerment of the young people.
Research examining how country alliances were implementing the newly defined strategy of youth-led collaborations identify good practises that could be shared across aliances.
Report on youth collaborations in Malawi by the Get Up Speak Out programme and Malawi SRHR Alliance
In this webinar we shared insights on the institutionalisation and measurement of involvement.
It’s not easy to break away from gender norms, but it is not impossible. Listen to the reflections of an Indonesian couple in this video.
Shadow report on young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights.
See how young advocates fight for their sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Let’s talk about sex, baby. End-term evaluation of the Strategic Partnership Right Here, Right Now (2016- 2020).
Qualitative pilot study on the inclusion of information on sexual relationships and pleasure in sexuality education for young people.
This operational research gives a more in-depth understanding of how CSOs apply different clusters of approaches for working on SRHR in times of opposition.
Read about the huge strides made now the programme has passed its half-way point here.
The pilot study was conducted in Ghana and Kenya. This report presents the findings from the data collected in Kenya.
Hello, I am used television and radio programmes, community screenings and more to educate, question and reshape norms around child marriage and the role of girls in society.
Hello, I am used the positive deviance approach (PDA) to encourage social and behaviour change. Read more about these activities, impact, lessons learnt and recommendations.
Hello I Am actively involved young people and their family members in intergenerational communication by hosting youth groups, parent groups, and three-generation dialogues.
The Hello, I Am programme reached nearly 80,000 people through community-based activities and more than 7million people through media efforts. Read more about activities here.
Magazine on the results of Right Here Right Now
Magazine with results and stories from the Get Up Speak Out programme on Youth SRHR
Reference tool on safe abortion for all categories of health professionals and providers
Easy to use pocket-size booklet of the counseling guide on safe abortion
Women’s healthcare services risk being deprioritized. Read the info sheet on preserving abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Did you know that sexuality education is five times more effective when it pays explicit attention to gender and power? Rutgers hosted a webinar to discuss this issue.
2019 Baseline report with full indicators from the first wave of Global Early Adolescents Study in Indonesia.
This first report from the Explore4Action programme shows the results of the Global Early Adolescent Study and the Youth Voices Research conducted in Indonesia 2018-2019
Young researchers interviewed adolescents to explore gender norms, mental health, bullying and more.
Young Indonesians interviewed their peers on how they navigate complex norms relating to gender and sexuality.
A policy brief that invites Ministry of National Development Planning to make mental health and violence prevention programs a priority.
A brief on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Indonesia.
Policy brief to advocate for the provision of comprehensive reproductive health education in schools across Indonesia
A brief to promote equality and welfare for men and women in Indonesia.
Violence and Mental Health Profile among Early Adolescent in Indonesia: Calling for Urgent Actions
Animation explaining how the She Makes Her Safe Choice programme works
A Qualitative Evaluation of the Setara CSE program for junior high schools in Indonesia: Results from a QuIP study in Semarang, Denpasar and Bandar Lampung.
This video is about respect in relationships, as part of the Hello Check television series.
In this video the social construction of gender role is explored, as part of the Hello Check television series.
In this video we find out what matters to young people, as part of the Hello Check television series.
This video explores the question in Bangladesh: Am I ready to be a parent, as part of the Hello Check television series.
In this video the question whether boys and girls can be friends is explored, as part of the Hello Check television series.
This video explores the meaning of love, as part of the Hello Check television series.
This manual is a practical guide for professionals working with adolescent boys and young men at schools, in communities, etc on issues related to sexuality and relationship.
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